
Infineon TLE9844-2QX ARM MCU汽车应用方案

Infineon公司的TLE9844-2QX是集成了ARM® Cortex®-M0微控制器和继电器驱动器,高边开关,LIN收发器和电源系统,它的外设包括有13个复接模拟输入的10位ADC,能处理多达5个高压监视输入,6个低压输入和2个用于检测电池电压和设备电源的高压输入.还包括有用于电压和温度监测的7个复接输入8位ADC.主要用在汽车窗户提升,顶棚,雨刷,电扇和电泵,泵马达控制和LIN地址继电器马达.本文介绍了TLE9844-2Q主要优势和框图,应用电路及其材料清单,以及应用评估板TLE9844-2QX Appkit主要特性,概念图和电路图,以及PCB设计图和元件分布图.

The TLE984x product family integrates an ARM® Cortex®-M0 microcontroller core along with relay drivers, high side switches, LIN transceiver and a power supply system that enables the device to operate at the vehicle battery level.

Its peripheral set includes a 10-bit ADC with 13 multiplexed analog inputs to process up to 5 high-voltage monitoring inputs, 6 low-voltage inputs and 2 high-voltage inputs for sensing the battery voltage and the supply of the device. It further includes an 8-bit ADC with 7 multiplexed inputs for voltage and temperature super vision. Its digital peripherals include a PWM signal generator unit and 16-bit timers along with a number of general purpose I/Os (serial interfaces and UARTs). It includes an on-chip linear voltage regulator to supply external loads.

