Cypress公司的CY2941x/CY2942x系列是可编基于PLL的晶体振荡器解决方案,输出频率在15MHz和2.1GHz,其它频率可通过I2C接口配置,工作电压1.8V-3.3V,工作温度–40℃到 +105 ℃,非常适合用于通信如OTN, SONET/SDH, xDSL, GbE,网络,无线基础设备,测试和仪表,以及高速数据转换器.本文介绍了CY2941x/CY2942x系列产品主要特性,框图以及评估板CY3676 EVK主要特性,框图,电路图和材料清单.
The CY2941x/CY2942x is a programmable PLL-based crystaloscillator solution with flexible output frequency options. It is fieldor factory-programmable for any output frequency between15 MHz and 2.1 GHz. Other frequency options can be configuredwith the I2C interface. Using advanced design technology, itprovides excellent jitter performance across the entire outputfrequency range, working reliably at supply voltages from 1.8 Vto 3.3 V for ambient temperatures from –40℃ to +105℃. Thismakes it ideally suited for communications applications (forexample, OTN, SONET/SDH, xDSL, GbE,networking, wirelessinfrastructure), test and instrumentation applications, andhigh-speed data converters. Additionally, the VCXO functionenables use of the CY2941x/CY2942x series in applicationsrequiring a clock source with voltage control, and in discreteclocking solutions for synchronous timing applications.