
Maxim MAX25205汽车应用手势传感器解决方案

Maxim公司的MAX25205是用于手势和接近传感的低成本数据采集系统. MAX25205识别手势(向坐,向右,向上滑动,向下滑动),手指和手旋转(CW和CCW),以及接近检测.这种接近,手检测和手势识别功能是采用集成的6x10元件光传感器阵列通过受控制的IR-LED光源的反射光检测来实现的.当暴露在明亮的环境光下,这些手势就能被MAX25205检测到.低功耗低成本CPU如MAX32630需要处理来自传感器的数据.器件集成了60象素的IR光二极管阵列和LED驱动器, 400kHz I2C和6MHz SPI串行接口,工作在120k勒克斯环境光,满足AEC-Q100资证,工作温度-40C到 +85C.超低功耗工作,3.3V时1mA,紧凑4mm x 4mm x 1.35mm 20引脚QFN封装.主要用在中央信息显示屏控制,后座娱乐系统,门与月亮屋顶和行李箱控制,替代机械开关和占用检测.本文介绍了MAX25205主要优势和特性,框图和简化系统框图,应用电路以及评估板MAX25205 EVK主要特性和优势,系统框图,电路图,材料清单和PCB设计图.


The MAX25205 is a low-cost data-acquisition system for gesture and proximity sensing. The MAX25205 recog­nizes the following independent gestures:

●Hand swipe gestures (left, right, up, and down)

●Finger and hand rotation (CW and CCW)

●Proximity detection

The proximity, hand detection, and gesture recognition functions of the MAX25205 operate by detecting the light reflected from the controlled IR-LED light source with an integrated 6x10-element optical sensor array. The MAX25205 can detect these gestures even when exposed to bright ambient light. A low-power, low-cost CPU, such as the MAX32630, is required to process the data from the sensor.


