
On Semi NVG800A75L4DSC 250kW逆变器设计平台解决方案

On Semi公司的NVG800A75L4DSC是双面散热(DSC)半桥功率模块,在紧凑的占位内堆叠和扩展,提供一个小占位的平台方案用于从80 kW到250 kW电动汽车应用.额定电压750 V,额定电流800 A,是市场其他器件容量的两倍,模块中没有任何焊线,使其额定寿命加倍.NVG800A75L4DSC符合AQG-324认证的模块,含嵌入式智能IGBT,对集成的过流和过温保护功能提供更快的响应时间,因而提供更强固的整体方案.器件能够在最高175℃的结温下连续工作.主要用在混合和纯电动汽车主牵引逆变器和大功率DC/DC转换器.本文介绍了NVG800A75L4DSC主要特性,内部框图,推荐栅极应用电路以及评估板NVG800A75L4DSC−EVK主要特性, 简化框图,工作条件图和主要装配元件图,片上电流检测电路图.

The NVG800A75L4DSC is part of a family of power modules withdual side cooling and compact footprints for Hybrid (HEV) andElectric Vehicle (EV) traction inverter application.

The module consists of two Field Stop 4 (FS4) 750V Narrow MesaIGBTs in a half−bridge configuration. The chipset utilizes the newnarrow mesa IGBT technology in providing high current density androbust short circuit protection with higher blocking voltage to deliveroutstanding performance in EV traction applications.

A dual side liquid cooling heatsink reference design along with acomplete inverter kit (NVG800A75L4DSC−EVK) is available toenable easier design in.


• Dual−Side Cooling
• Integrated Chip Level Temperature and Current Sensor..

