摘要: NXP公司的KW36Z/35Z是超低功耗高度集成的无线MCU,基于ARM CortexR-M0+核,具有蓝牙低功耗(BLE)和通用FSK连接.器件还集成了多达512KB闪存和64KB SRAM以及支持BLE 5.0和通用FSK调制的2.4GHz无线电;此外KW36Z还集成了能无缝连接工业CAN通信网络的FlexCAN模块,支持CAN灵活的数据速率(CAN FD)协议,以满足宽带宽和低等待的需求.主要用在工业控制,医疗/健康等嵌入系统.本文介绍了KW36Z/35Z主要特性,框图和主要特性,包办无线电特性,MCU特性和外设等,以及开发板FRDM-KW36主要特性,框图和电路图.
The KW36Z/35Z wireless microcontrollers (MCU), which includes the KW36Z and KW35Z families of devices, are highly integrated single-chip devices that enable Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and Generic FSK connectivity for industrial and medical/ healthcare embedded systems. The target applications center on wirelessly bridging the embedded world with mobile devices to enhance the human interface experience, share embedded data between devices and the cloud and enable wireless firmware updates.