Renesas公司的RX72T是用于工业机器人伺服控制的扩展微控制器(MCU),采用32位RX MCU,工作频率200MHz,具有片上FPU,1160 CoreMark,支持2.7到 5.5-V 电源,集成了高达1MB闪存,128KB SRAM,32KB数据闪存,16KB带ECC的SRAM,同时取样的三单元12位ADC(多达7路),单端/假差分输入支持放大器(6路),模拟比较器(6路),200MHz PWM(4路用于三相互补,2路用于5相互补,10路用于单相互补),4路高分辨率PWM,分辨率195ps,主/功能或OTG控制器具有全速USB 2.0转移,CAN,加密功能(可选).器件RX72T内置了防护与安全特性别,并提供逆变器控制应用价值.本文介绍了RX72T主要特性和指标,框图以及评估板RX72T RSK主要特性,布局图和元件布放图,内部框图和电路图.
RX72T Group microcontrollers are equipped with the RXv3 third-generation RX CPU core, and are optimized for motor control applications. The RX72T Group offers high performance required for motor control in robots and other equipment by max. 200 MHz operating frequency CPU core and dedicated accelerators. Built-in security and safety features also offer new added value for inverter control applications.
■ 32-bit RXv3 CPU core
Maximum operating frequency: 200 MHz
Capable of 1160 CoreMark in operation at 200 MHz
JTAG and FINE (one-line) debugging interfaces
A function for collectively saving the values of registers is available.
■ Low-power design and architecture..