Microchip公司的MCP2517FD是成本效益和小占位尺寸的CAN FD(灵活数据速率)控制器,具有和微处理器(MCU)接口的SPI接口.器件支持经典格式(CAN2.0B)和CAN灵活数据速率(CAN FD)格式的CAN成帧,比特速率高达1Mbps,工作电压2.7-5.5V,主要用在新能源和智能汽车电子.本文介绍了MCP2517FD主要特性,框图,以及MCP251XFD CAN FD主板主要特性,电路图,材料清单和PCB设计图以及点击板电路图和PCB设计图.
The MCP2517FD is a cost-effective andsmall-footprint CAN FD controller that can be easilyadded to a microcontroller with an available SPIinterface. Therefore, a CAN FD channel can be easilyadded to a microcontroller that is either lacking a CANFD peripheral, or that doesn’t have enough CAN FDchannels.
The MCP2517FD supports both, CAN frames in theClassical format (CAN2.0B) and CAN Flexible DataRate (CAN FD) format, as specified in ISO11898-1:2015.
• External CAN FD Controller with SPI Interface
• Arbitration Bit Rate up to 1 Mbps
• Data Bit Rate up to 8 Mbps
• CAN FD Controller modes
- Mixed CAN 2.0B and CAN FD mode
- CAN 2.0B mode
• Conforms to ISO11898-1:2015
Message FIFOs
• 31 FIFOs, configurable as transmit or receiveFIFOs
• One Transmit Queue (TXQ)..