
On Semi LC717A30UJ单芯片容性触摸/接近传感方案

On Semi公司的LC717A30UJ是单芯片容性触摸/接近传感方案.器件包括一个用于输入通道选择的集成的多路复用器,模数转换器,确定电容变化及模拟输出幅值的双级放大器,系统时钟,上电复位电路和所需的所有控制逻辑,以创建一个整体方案.器件提供8个电容传感输入通道,其响应时间测量为16毫秒(ms),工作电源电压2.6V至5.5 V,具有1µA的低功耗待机模式,主要用在应用于工业和消费终端产品的各种触摸或手势人机接口,如电磁炉,电冰箱,家庭娱乐系统,楼宇自动化设备,工业设备和照明控制等.本文介绍了LC717A30UJ主要特性,框图和几种应用电路,以及电容触摸评估板LC717A30UJGEVK特性,电路图,材料清单和PCB设计图.

The LC717A30UJ is a high performance, low cost, and highlyusable capacitance converter for electrostatic capacitive touch andproximity sensors.

8 capacitance-sensing input channels ideal for use in any endproducts that needs an array of switches. The LC717A30Jfacilitates a short system development time through its automaticcalibration function and minimal external components. Thedetection result (ON/OFF) for each sensor is read out by the serialinterface (I2C or SPI).


 Differential capacitive detection using mutual capacitance.

 Operates with small to large capacitance sensor input pads.

 Capacitance detection down to femto-Farad level.

 Measurement time 16 ms for 8 sensors.

 Minimal external components.


