Microchip公司的Explorer 8开发板DM160228是评估8位PIC®MCU功能和特性的最新开发板,支持8/14/20/28/40引脚DIP和44/64/80引脚PIM安装的PIC MCU.本文介绍了PIC16(L)F1615/9 8位MCU主要特性,框图和核框图,以及Explorer 8开发板DM160228主要特性和主要元件分布图,电路图以及PCB元件布局图.
The Explorer 8 Development Board is one of the latest development boards forevaluating and demonstrating the capabilities and features of Microchip’s 8-bit PIC®MCUs. This board supports 8/14/20/28/40-pin DIP and 44/64/80-pin PIM-mounted PICMCUs.
This board is fully populated with two fixed and one variable power supply, a 16x2Character LCD module, a pair of mikroBUS™ Click™ board headers to accommodatea variety of plug-in modules, a pair of DigilentPmod™ connectors, an in-linecompletely configurable connector, PICtail™ connectors and a USB-to-serial/I2Cconverter. The Explorer 8 is fully compatible with the MPLAB® Code Configurator andMPLAB X v3.00 or later.