
Linear LTC2508-32低噪低功耗32位ADC解决方案

Linear公司的LTC2508-32是集成了可配置数字滤波器的低噪音低功耗高性能32位ADC,工作电压2.5V,VREF范围从2.5V到5.1V,全差分输入范围高达±VREF,±0.5ppm INL (Typ),61sps时的动态范围145dB,主要用在地震学,能源勘探,自动测试设备(ATE)和高精度仪器.本文介绍了LTC2508-32主要特性,功能框图,以及演示板主要特性,电路图和PCB设计图.

The LTC®2508-32 is a low noise, low power, high-performance32-bit ADC with an integrated configurable digitalfilter. Operating from a single 2.5V supply, the LTC2508-32 features a fully differential input range up to ±VREF,withVREF ranging from 2.5V to 5.1V. The LTC2508-32 supportsa wide common mode range from 0V to VREF simplifying analog signal conditioning requirements.

The LTC2508-32 simultaneously provides two outputcodes: (1) a 32-bit digitally filtered high precision lownoise code, and (2) a 22-bit no latency composite code.

The configurable digital filter reduces measurement noiseby lowpass filtering and down-sampling the stream ofdata from the SAR ADC core, giving the 32-bit filteredoutput code. The 22-bit composite code consists of a14-bit code representing the differential voltage and an8-bit code representing the common mode voltage. The22-bit composite code is available each conversion cycle,with no cycle of latency.

