NXP公司的PN7150是最高性能即插即用NFC解决方案,基于ARM Cortex-M0 MCU核,和NCI论坛规范V1.3兼容,支持NFC论坛类型1/2/3/4/5标签,提供高达4.75V/180mA的RF输出功率以及用于手持设备的低功耗模式,同时还在I2C主接口上提供标准NFC控制器接口(NCI).目标应用在需要NFC功能的所有设备,TV,STB,蓝光记录仪和音频设备,家庭自动化,网关和无线路由器,家用电器,可穿戴设备,遥控,健身和健康设备,打印机,IP电话,游戏控制台等.本文介绍了PN7150主要特性,传输模式和框图,PN7150 NFC控制器单板计算机(SBC)套件主要特性和电路图,PCB设计图.
PN7150 is the highest performing plug-and-play solution for NFC. It complies to NFC Forum device requirements V1.3 for Read/Write, Peer-to-Peer and Card Emulation modes and supports NFC Forum Type 1/2/3/4/5 Tags. It provides high RF output power with up to 4.75 V, 180 mA, as well as low power modes for portable devices. It offers the standardized NFC Controller Interface (NCI) over I²C host interface.
Three different demokits make integration of NFC easy to different platforms such as RaspberryPi, BeagleBone Black and any boards featuring Arduino compatible header, including many LPCXpresso, Kinetis and i.MX boards. SW drivers enable easy integration into Linux, Android, Windows IoT and RTOS.
Includes NXP ISO/IEC14443-A, Innovatron ISO/IEC14443-B and NXP MIFARE crypto1 intellectual property licensing rights..