Microchip公司的RN487x系列是蓝牙4.2低功耗模块,基于IS187xBluetooth LE IC,提供实现蓝牙4.2低功耗连接的完整解决方案.工作频段ISM 2.402-2.480GHz, 0-39通道,RX接收灵敏度-90dBm,发送功率0dBm,RSSI监视器,主要用在健康医疗设备,运抵和健身设备,物联网(IoT)传感器标签,遥控,信标应用,可穿戴设备和配件,智能家庭,智能能源和工业控制.本文介绍了RN487x系列主要特性和几种模块参考电路.
RN487x modules, based on Microchip’s IS187xBluetooth LE ICs, provide a complete solution toimplement Bluetooth 4.2 Low Energy connectivity.
These modules are interfaced via a two- or four-wireUART interface with Microchip’s simple ASCIIcommand set for easy integration into mostapplications. All products in the RN series can bedynamically configured by the host microcontroller witha few simple ASCII commands. The RN487x seriesalso supports on-board scripting to automate basic operations without a host microcontroller. The RN4870(12 mm x 22 mm) and RN4871 (9 mm x 11.5 mm)modules combine Microchip’s Bluetooth LE Silicon withall necessary peripheral components and an on-boardchip antenna to create an easy to use/drop-in solution.All modules in this series are Bluetooth SIG qualified.
The RN4870 and RN4871 include FCC modularcertification, as well as most other worldwidegovernment regulatory approvals.