ST公司的STHV800是八路单片高压高速脉冲发生器,集成了控制器逻辑接口电路,电平转换器,MOSFET栅极驱动器,噪音抑制二极管,以及大功率P沟和N沟MOSFET输出级,峰值电流大于2A,输出电压0到 ±90 V,工作频率高达20MHz,主要用在医用超声图像,脉冲波形发生器,NDT超声发送器,压电传送设备.本文介绍了STHV800主要特性和框图,以及基于STHV800的评估板STEVAL-IME013V1主要特性,硬件框图,布局图,两种超声波脉冲发生器解决方案框图,以及评估板电路图和材料清单.
The STHV800 is an octal, monolithic, high-voltage and high-speed pulse generator. It is designed for medical ultrasound applications, but can be used for other piezoelectric, capacitive or MEMS transducers.
The device integrates a controller logic interface circuit (compatible with both 1.8 V and 3.3 V input signals), level translators, MOSFET gate drivers, noise blocking diodes, and high power P-channel and N-channel MOSFETs as the output stage for each channel. These MOSFETs are capable of providing more than 2 A of peak output current. Each channel has a dedicated bridge in order to reduce power dissipation and jitter during continuous wave mode (peak current is limited to 0.3 A). This CW bridge has dedicated power supplies (HV_CW) which are fully independent on the main HV supplies.