
Maxim MAXREFDES79#四端口IO-Link Master参考设计

Maxim公司的四端口IO-Link Master参考设计MAXREFDES79#包括四个IO-Link Master收发器(MAX14824),降压转换器(MAX15062与MAX17552), STM32F4 ARM Cortex M4微控制器(MCU)和USB连接器,具有灵活和高度集成度,加快产品上市和大大降低IO-Link Master和传感器开发时间,主要用于控制和自动化, IO-Link传感器和激励器.本文介绍了IO-Link Master收发器MAX14824主要特性,功能框图和应用电路,以及参考设计MAXREFDES79#主要特性,框图,电路图和材料清单.

The MAX14824 is an IO-Link master interface that inte­grates an IO-Link physical layer transceiver with an auxiliary digital input and two linear regulators. High port count IO-Link master applications are supported through in-band SPI addressing, and the 12MHz SPI interface minimizes host controller access times. In-band address­ing and selectable SPI addresses enable cascading up to 16 devices.

The device supports all the IO-Link data rates and fea­tures slew-rate-controlled drivers to reduce EMI. The driver is guaranteed to drive up to 300mA (min) load currents. Internal wake-up circuitry automatically deter­mines the correct wake-up polarity, allowing for the use of simple UARTs for wake-up pulse generation.

The MAX14824 is available in a 4mm x 4mm, 24-pin TQFN package with exposed pad, and operates over the extended -40NC to +105NC temperature range...

