
Lattice ECP5 FPGA系列PCI Express开发方案

Lattice公司的ECP5 FPGA系列集成了增强DSP架构,高速SERDES和高速源同步接口,采用40nm工艺技术,适合量大高速的低成本应用如无线通信,工业视频摄像机,宽带接入设备.本文介绍了ECP5 FPGA系列主要特性,框图, ECP5™ PCI Express开发板主要特性,框图,电路图和材料清单.

The ECP5 family of FPGA devices is optimized to deliver high performance features such as an enhanced DSP architecture, high speed SERDES and high speed source synchronous interfaces in an economical FPGA fabric. This combination is achieved through advances in device architecture and the use of 40nm technology making the devices suitable for high-volume, high-speed, low-cost applications.

The ECP5 device family covers look-up-table (LUT) capacity to 84K logic elements and supports up to 365 user I/Os. The ECP5 device family also offers up to 156 18 x 18 multipliers and a wide range of parallel I/O standards.

