
Cypress CYUSB301X EZ-USB FX3 USB 3.0外设解决方案

Cypress公司的CYUSB301X系列EZ-USB FX3是下一代USB 3.0外设控制器,具有可配置,并行和通用可编程接口GPIF II,能和任何处理器,ASIC或FPGA连接,和异步SRAM,异步和同步地址数据复用接口以及并行ATA无缝连接.器件还集成USB 3.和USB 2.0 PHY和32位ARM926EJ-S微处理器,从GPIF II到USB的数据传输速率达到375MBps,主要用在测试测量,数码相机,PDA,PMP,数字摄像机,视频IP电话,工业照相机,打印机,扫描仪和医疗图像设备等.本文介绍了CYUSB301X系列主要特性,逻辑框图, 作为协处理器和主处理器的EZ-USB FX3,以及FX3™ SuperSpeed Explorer开发套件主要特性,框图,电路图,材料清单和PCB元件布局图.

Cypress’s EZ-USB FX3 is the next-generation USB 3.0 peripheral controller, providing integrated and flexible features.

FX3 has a fully configurable, parallel, general programmable interface called GPIF II, which can connect to any processor, ASIC, or FPGA. GPIF II is an enhanced version of the GPIF in FX2LP, Cypress’s flagship USB 2.0 product. It provides easy and glueless connectivity to popular interfaces, such as asynchronous SRAM, asynchronous and synchronous address data multiplexed interfaces, and parallel ATA.

FX3 has integrated the USB 3.0 and USB 2.0 physical layers (PHYs) along with a 32-bit ARM926EJ-S microprocessor for powerful data processing and for building custom applications. It implements an architecture that enables 375-MBps data transfer from GPIF II to the USB interface.

