
Freescale Kinetis KL2x 超低功耗32位MCU开发方案

Freescale公司的Kinetis KL2x 系列超低功耗32位MCU基于ARM® CortexTM-M4核,核工作频率48MHz,闪存从32KB到256KB不等,集成了全速USB OTG控制器和低压稳压器,具有超低功耗性能和丰富的模拟,通信,定时和控制外设.目标应用位低功耗应用,以电池为动力的应用,USB外设和消费类电子.本文介绍了Kinetis KL2x MCU主要特性,框图, Kinetis KL16和KL26 MCU开发平台FRDM-KL26Z主要特性,电路图和材料清单.

The Kinetis KL2x MCU family is pin, software and tool compatible with all other Kinetis L families, and adds a Full-Speed USB 2.0 On-The-Go controller with an integrated low-voltage regulator. The Kinetis KL2x MCU family is also compatible with the Kinetis K20 family of MCUs built on the ARM® CortexTM-M4 core, providing a migration path to higher performance and feature integration. Devices start from 32 KB of flash in a small-footprint 5 x 5 mm 32 QFN package, extending up to 256 KB in a 100 LQFP/121 MBGA package. Each family member combines ultra-low-power performance with a with a rich suite of analog, communication, timing and control peripherals.

Kinetis KL2x MCU主要特性:

Ultra Low Power..

