
ADI ADAU1452 SigmaDSP音频处理解决方案

ADI公司的ADAU1452是汽车级的SigmaDSP音频处理器,全可编程增强声音处理,1.2V 32位SigmaDSP处理内核,工作频率294.912 MHz,每次取样速率48kHz,超过6144SIMD指令,主要用在汽车音频处理,导航系统, 后排娱乐系统,DSP放大器,商用和专业音频处理.本文介绍了ADAU1452主要特性,功能框图和系统框图,评估板EVAL-ADAU1452MINIZ主要特性,框图,电路图,材料清单和PCB元件布局图.

The ADAU1452 is an automotive-qualified audio processor that far exceeds the digital signal processing capabilities of earlier SigmaDSP® devices. Its restructured hardware architecture is optimized for efficient audio processing. The audio processing algorithms are realized in sample-by-sample and block- by-block paradigms, which can both be executed simultaneously in a signal processing flow created using the graphical programming tool, SigmaStudio™. The new digital signal processor (DSP) core architecture enables some types of audio processing algorithms to be executed using significantly fewer instructions than were required on previous SigmaDSP generations, leading to vastly improved code efficiency.

