
TI LMH6881 1GHz全差分可编放大器解决方案

TI公司的LMH6881是全差分可编高速放大器,工作频率高达1GHz, 100Ω输入,低阻抗输出,增益数字控制,从6dB到26dB,小信号带宽2400MHz,100MHz时的OIP3为44dBm, HD3为-100dBc,噪音为9.7dB,主要用在示波器前端,频谱分析仪增益区块,差分ADC驱动器,IF/RF和基带增益驱块和医疗图像.本文介绍了LMH6881主要特性,典型应用电路和

The LMH6881 is a fully differential amplifier optimized for signal path applications up to 1000 MHz. The LMH6881 has a 100Ω input and a low impedance output. The gain is digitally controlled over a 20 dB range from 26dB to 6dB. The LMH6881 is designed to replace fixed gain differential amplifiers with a single, flexible gain device. It has been designed to provide good noise figure and OIP3 over the entire gain range. This design feature is highlighted by the Dynamic Range Figure (DRF). The DRF is defined as the input third order intercept point (IIP3) minus the noise figure (NF). Traditional variable gain amplifiers generally have the best OIP3 and NF performance at maximum gain only.

The LMH6881 is a high-speed, high-performance, programmable differential amplifier. With a bandwidth of 2.4GHz and high linearity of 44dBm OIP3, the LMH6881 is suitable for a wide variety of signal conditioning applications.

