Maxim 公司的MAX7032是基于晶振的分数N的收发器,能在300MHz-450MHz内发送和接收ASK/OOK 或多或FSK数据,数据速率高达33kbps (Manchester编码)或66kbps (NRZ编码).单电源+2.1V - +3.6V 或+4.5V - +5.5V,典型的RF灵敏度: ASK为-114dBm,FSK 为-110dBm.主要用在工业控制,家庭自动化,遥感技术,车库门禁,本地遥测系统,双向无键盘输入,烟雾报警和遥控等.本文介绍了MAX7032主要特性,方框图,典型应用电路及其材料清单,以及无线自动读表参考设计MTR部分电路图和RDR部分电路图与相应的材料清单,PCB布局图.
The MAX7032 crystal-based, fractional-N transceiver is designed to transmit and receive ASK/OOK or FSK data in the 300MHz to 450MHz frequency range with data rates up to 33kbps (Manchester encoded) or 66kbps (NRZ encoded). This device generates a typical output power of +10dBm into a 50Ω load, and exhibits typical sensitivities of -114dBm for ASK data and -110dBm for FSK data. The MAX7032 features separate transmit and receive pins (PAOUT and LNAIN) and provides an internal RF switch that can be used to connect the transmit and receive pins to a common antenna.