
Freescale i.MX53xA SABRE平台参考设计

Freescale公司的i.MX53xA系列是汽车信息娱乐处理器,采用先进的ARM内核,包括3D和2D图像处理器,1080i/p视频处理以及双显示,时钟速率高达800MHz,具有DDR2/LVDDR2-800, LPDDR2-800或DDR3-800 DRAM存储器接口,主要用在汽车,仪表盘,导航,运程信息处理系统,工业以及人机接口(HMI).本文介绍了i.MX53xA处理器主要特性,方框图,以及快速设计智能应用蓝图(SABRE)平台主要特性,框图,电路图,材料清单和PCB布局图.

The MCIMX53xA (i.MX53xA) automotive infotainment processor is Freescale Semiconductor’s latest addition to a growing family of multimedia-focused products offering high performance processing with a high degree of functional integration aimed at the growing automotive infotainment, telematics, HMI, and display-based cluster markets. This device includes 3D and 2D graphics processors, 1080i/p video processing, and dual display, and provides a variety of interfaces.

The i.MX53xA processor features Freescale’s advanced implementation of the ARM™ core, which operates at clock speeds as high as 800 MHz and interfaces with DDR2/LVDDR2-800, LPDDR2-800, or DDR3-800 DRAM memories. This device is well suited for graphics rendering for HMI, navigation, high performance speech processing with large databases, video processing and display, audio playback, and many other applications.

