
NS DAC161P997单线16位4-20mA回路解决方案

NS公司的DAC161P997是用来发送工业标准4-20mA电流回路的模拟输出电流的16位Sigma-Delta数模转换器(DAC),提供16位精度,低温度系数(29ppm/°C)的输出电流以及极好的长期输出电流漂移(90 ppmFS)性能,而功耗低于190uA,主要用于两线4-20mA电流回路发送器,工业过程控制,激烈器控制,工厂自动化,建筑物自动化,精密仪表,数据采集系统和测试系统.本文介绍了DAC161P997主要特性, 方框图,多种应用框图以及应用案例电路图,DAC161P997EVAL评估板电路图和元件布局图.

Single-Wire 16-bit DAC for 4-20mA Loops

The DAC161P997 is a 16- bit ΣΔ digital-to-analog converter (DAC) for transmitting an analog output current over an industry standard 4-20 mA current loop. It offers 16-bit accuracy with a low output current temperature coefficient (29ppm/°C) and excellent long-term output current drift (90 ppmFS) while consuming less than 190μA.

The data link to the DAC161P997 is a Single Wire Interface (SWIF) which allows sensor data to be transferred in digital format over an isolation boundary using a single isolation component. The DAC161P997’s digital input is compatible with standard isolation transformers and optocouplers. Error detection and handshaking features within the SWIF protocol ensure error free communication across the isolation boundary.

For applications where isolation is not required, the DAC161P997 interfaces directly to a microcontroller.

