
EnergyMicro EFM32G232低功耗32位MCU开发方案

低功耗微控制器(Energy Micro)公司的32位处理器EFM32 Gecko系列产品采用ARM Cortex-M3内核,工作频率高达32MHz.系列产品具有低电流特性,配合2µs的唤醒时间,使其至少增加了4倍的电池使用寿命。启动模式下从闪存FLASH执行代码所消耗的典型电流为160µA/MHz、深度睡眠模式和关断模式下分别为900nA和20nA。主要用在不断发展的智能仪表市场和对功耗敏感的应用,如楼宇自动化、安防系统和便携式健康医疗及健身设备。本文介绍了EFM32 Gecko系列主要特性,方框图和EFM32-G2XX-DK开发板主要特性与详细的电路图.

The EFM32 MCUs are the world’s most energy friendly microcontrollers. With a unique combination of the powerful 32-bit ARM Cortex-M3, innovative low energy techniques, short wake-up time from energy saving modes, and a wide selection of peripherals, the EFM32G microcontroller is well suited for any battery operated application as well as other systems requiring high performance and low-energy consumption.

This section gives a short introduction to each of the modules in general terms and also and shows a summary of the configuration for the EFM32G232 devices.

The ARM Cortex-M3 includes a 32-bit RISC processor which can achieve as much as 1.25 Dhrystone MIPS/MHz. A Memory Protection Unit with support for up to 8 memory segments is included, as well as a Wake-up Interrupt Controller handling interrupts triggered while the CPU is asleep.

EFM32 Gecko系列主要特性:

