( 一 ) 世界各国对钨丝灯光照明限制的趋势
( 二 ) 环保节能趋势:无汞化趋势
( 三 ) LED有利因素:比传统水银灯及高压钠灯省电30% ~ 60%。Active-Semi (技领半导体公司)提供最佳电源管理解决方案:
Active-Semi’s ActivePMUTM family is a broad and unique line of digital and programmable power management ICs. These products combine best-in-class power conversion, regulation, back-lighting, and battery management with multiple intelligent features, resulting in cost-effective and space-saving portable applications. The ActivePMUTM products are ideal for advanced portable devices.
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ComChip 提供最佳之Diode全系列解决方案..