
ADI AD5421回路供电工业过程控制方案

ADI 公司的AD5421是完整的16位4mA-20mA转换器,包括用来给自身和发送器中其它器件供电的稳压器,输出电压从1.8V到12V,漂移为5ppm/℃.器件还包括精密的1.25V和2.5V基准电压源. AD5421采用标准的HART FSK协议通信,串口速率高达20Mbps,主要应用在工业过程控制,4-20mA回路供电发送器以及智能发送器.本文介绍了AD5421主要特性, 功能方框图,和HART调制解调器连接框图以及应用框图.

16-Bit, Serial Input, Loop-Powered, 4mA to 20mA DAC

The AD5421 is a complete, loop powered, digital to 4mA-to-20mA converter, designed to meet the needs of smart transmitter manufacturers in the Industrial Control industry.It provides a high precision, fully integrated, low cost solution in a compact TSSOP package.

The AD5421 includes a regulated voltage output that is used to power itself and other devices in the transmitter. This regulator provides a regulated 1.8V to 12V output voltage. The device also contains precision 1.25V and 2.5V references, The AD5421 thus eliminates the need for a discrete regulator and voltage reference.

