IR公司的IRS2336xD是高压高速功率MOSFET和IGBT栅极驱动器,具有三个高边和低边参考输出通路,能驱动多达6个IGBT/MOSFET功率器件,每路的栅极驱动电源高达20V(集成了升压功能),3.3V输入逻辑常兼容,并集成了死区保护,具有过流保护和超温关断输入以及交叉导通保护等. IRS2336xD典型应用包括电器马达驱动,伺服驱动,微型逆变器驱动和通用三相逆变器等.本文介绍了IRS2336xD主要特性,方框图, 典型应用框图以及IRMD2336DJ参考设计的主要特性,方框图和详细电路图和所用材料清单(BOM).
The IRS2336xD are high voltage, high speed, power MOSFET and IGBT gate drivers with three high-side and three low-side referenced output channels for 3-phase applications. This IC is designed to be used with low-cost bootstrap power supplies; the bootstrap diode functionality has been integrated into this device to reduce the component count and the PCB size. Proprietary HVIC and latch immune CMOS technologies have been implemented in a rugged monolithic structure. The floating logic input is compatible with standard CMOS or LSTTL outputs (down to 3.3 V logic). A current trip function which terminates all six outputs can be derived from an external current sense resistor. Enable functionality is available to terminate all six outputs simultaneously.