
Maxim MAX32620超低功耗可穿戴健康传感器平台方案

Maxim公司的MAXREFDES100#是健康传感器(hSensor)设计平台,集成了生物模拟前端解决方案(MAX30003),脉氧和心率传感器(MAX30101),两个人体温度传感器(MAX30205),三轴加速度器,3D加速度器和3D陀螺仪和气压传感器,支持运动测量,精密皮肤温度和各种生物电测量,包括ECG,EMG和EEG,以及三个波长(880nm,660nm,537nm)的脉搏血氧和心率检测.本文介绍了超低功耗MCU MAX32620/MAX32621主要特性,典型应用电路和MAXREFDES100#健康传感器(hSensor)设计平台框图,电路图,材料清单和PCB设计图.

The MAX32620/MAX32621 is a 32-bit RISC ARM® Cortex®-M4F (M4 plus Floating Point Unit) microcon­troller. It is ideally suited for the emerging category of medical and fitness applications. The architecture com­bines high-efficiency,signal-processing functionality with low cost, and ease of use. The device features 4 powerful & flexible power modes. Built-in dynamic clock gating and firmware controlled power gating minimize power con­sumption for any application.Multiple SPI, UART, and I2C serial interfaces,as well as a 1-Wire® master and USB,allow for interconnection to a wide variety of external sen­sors.A four-input, 10-bit ADC with selectable references is provided.

The MAX32621 is a secure version of the MAX32620, incorporating a trust protection unit (TPU) with encryption and advanced security features.


