
Renesas R9A06G061高速窄带电力线通信MODEM解决方案

Renesas公司的R9A06G061 是由模拟前端 (AFE),DSP 和 MCU 组成的窄带电力线通信调制解调器集成电路(IC).高性能 DSP 执行 OFDM 调制和反调制信号处理(物理层),而 MCU 处理往返主机接口的协议转换. R9A06G061 可实现 P2P(点对点)网络高速稳定的远程通信,特别是 R9A06G061 提高了直流驱动能力,从而扩大了其在 DC 电源系统应用中的使用范围.R9A06G061高性能DSP工作频率高达276MHz,MCU基于Arm® Cortex®-M0+核,工作频率高达92MHz.R9A06G061内置稳压器,3.3V输入,1.15V DC/DC转换器.工作电压3.3V,工作温度-40 至 +85 度C.采用40 引脚6mm x 6mm QFN封装.主要用在智能建筑,电源监控/需求控制,环境监控,HVAC,消防和安全系统,照明设备控制,太阳能系统潜水泵和多功能打印机.本文介绍了R9A06G061主要特性,框图和两种系统配置图,以及评估板CPX4 AC-PLCEVK M02D2主要电路图,RX651 MCU板电路图,电源滤波器板和PMOD转换板电路图,及其材料清单和PCB设计图.


R9A06G061 is a modem LSI for narrow-band power line communications (Narrow Band PLC). The R9A06G061 is a product that optimizes performance and functionality (small package, low power, low cost) and provides demodulation signal processing (physical layer) for software-based PLCs based on a high-performance DSP with an MCU (link layer) (ARM® Cortex™-M0+) to provide a flexible and inexpensive PLC solution.


⚫ High-performance DSP

➢ Handle PHY layer of power line communication etc.

➢ Maximum operating frequency: 276MHz

➢ IRAM: 128KB, DRAM: 128KB ..

