TI公司的ADC3660是双路16位0.5-MSPS至65-MSPS的低噪音超低功耗模数转换器(ADC),可提供噪音频谱密度–159 dBFS/Hz,以及极好线性度和动态范围.ADC3660提供极好的dc精度,以及支持IF取样,这使得器件对广泛应用有极好的选择性.该器件在65 MSPS时仅消耗71 mW/路,更低取样速率时功耗等比例降低得很好.器件保证16位不丢失码, INL为 ±2 LSB; DNL为 ±0.2 LSB,基准电压可以是内部的或是外部的,输入带宽为900MHz(3 ),工业温度范围–40C到+105C.串行CMOS接口,工作电压1.8V,频谱性能(fIN = 5 MHz)为SNR= 81.9 dBFS,SFDR= 88 dBc HD2, HD3,SFDR= 102 dBFS worst spur.40引脚WQFN(5 mm × 5 mm)封装.主要用在数据采集(DAQ),马达诊断和监测,电源质量分析仪,电源质量仪,声纳,雷达,军用无线电,无线通信,实验室和现场仪表,频谱仪.本文介绍了ADC3660主要特性,功能框图,支持DC的频谱分析仪典型配置图,LDO线性稳压器方案以及
The ADC3660 device is a low-noise, ultra-low power,16-bit, 65-MSPS dual-channel, high-speed analog-todigitalconverter (ADCs). Designed for low powerconsumption, the device delivers a noise spectraldensity of –159 dBFS/Hz, combined with excellentlinearity and dynamic range. The ADC3660 offersexcellent dc precision, together with IF samplingsupport, which make the device an excellent choicefor a wide range of applications. The ADC consumesonly 71 mW/ch at 65 MSPS, and power consumption
scales very well with lower sampling rates. In bypassmode (up to 31 MSPS) the output data is availableafter 1 or 2 clock cycles...