Rohm公司的BSM080D12P2C008是1200V/80A的半桥碳化硅(SiC)功率模块,包括SiC-双扩散MOS (DMOS)和SiC肖特基二极管(SBD).具有低浪涌,低开关损耗,高速可关和降低温度依赖性等特性,漏源极间电压1200V,漏极电流80A,总耗散功率600W,结温最大为175C.主要用在马达驱动如逆变器,转换器,光伏电压和风能产生,以及其电感加热设备.本文介绍了SiC MOSFET工作状态,BSM080D12P2C008主要指标和特性,电特性,电路框图, 以及评估板BSMGD3C12D24-EVK001主要特性,功能框图,相关电路和评估板电路图,材料清单和PCB设计图.
SiC (Silicon Carbide) is a compound semiconductor comprised of silicon (Si) and carbon (C). Compared to Si, SiC has ten times the dielectric breakdown field strength, three times the bandgap, and three times the thermal conductivity. Both p-type and n-type regions, which are necessary to fashion device structures in a semiconductor materials, can be formed in SiC. These properties make SiC an attractive material from which to manufacture power devices that can far exceed the performance of their Si counterparts.
SiC devices can withstand higher breakdown voltage, have lower resistivity, and can operate at higher temperature.