
Silabs EFR32MG22无线Gecko多协议SoC开发方案

Silabs公司的EFR32MG22是无线Gecko多协议系统级芯片(SoC),具有能量友好和高性能无线电收发器.单芯片解决方案组合了76.8 MHz MHz ARM Cortex-M33 MCU和高性能2.4GHz无线电,集成了512kB闪存和32kB RAM,12路外设反射系统,使得成为MCU自主互动外设,集成了多达6 dBm (2.4 GHz) TX功率的功率放大器(PA).器件具有DSP指令和浮点单元,以用于高效的信号处理.其无线电收发器在250 kbps O-QPSK DSSS的灵敏度为-102.3dBm,在125 kbps GFSK时为灵敏度为-106.7dBm,在1 Mbit/s GFSK的灵敏度为-98.9 dBm, 在2 Mbit/s GFSK的灵敏度为-96.2 dBm,发送功率高达6dBm,无线接收电流为2.5mA,0 dBm输出功率时为3.4mA无线发送电流,6 dBm输出功率时为7.5mA无线发送电流,主要用在ZigBee终端设备家庭自动化,照明控制,建筑物控制和工业传感器.本文介绍了EFR32MG22主要特性, 框图,应用电路以及EFR32xG22 2.4 GHz 6 dBm无线启动板(WSTK)主要特性,框图,电路图和主板连接器布局图.

The EFR32 product family combines an energy-friendly MCU with a high performance radio transceiver. The devices are well suited for secure connected IoT multi-protocol devices requiring high performance and low energy consumption. This section gives a short introduction to the full radio and MCU system. The detailed functional description can be found in the EFR32xG22 Reference Manual.

The EFR32MG22 Wireless Gecko multiprotocol family of SoCs is part of the Wireless Gecko portfolio. EFR32MG22 Wireless Gecko SoCs are ideal for enabling energy-friendly multiprotocol networking for IoT devices.

