
ST STM8S207K8 8位MCU开发方案

ST公司的STM8S207K8是8位微控制器(MCU),提供32KB到128KB闪存程序存储器.具有降低系统成本,性能鲁棒性,缩短开发周期和延长产品寿命优势.器件MCU的工作频率24MHz,集成了EEPROM,10为ADC,计时器和2个UART,SPI,I2C和CAN等外设.MCU在24MHz时的性能达到20 MIPS.工作电压2.95 V 到 5.5 V.在设计开发对功耗,空间和成本有严格限制的智能传感器,执行器等产品时, STM8S207K8 MCU是优先之选.主要用在家用电器,电动工具,HVAC,电源管理,照明,工厂自动化,带可充电电池的设备,马达控制,电动汽车,玩具和游戏,传感器,电源和用户接口.本文介绍了STM8S207K8主要特性,框图以及开发板NUCLEO-8S207K8 STM8 Nucleo-32主要特性,硬件框图,电路图,材料清单和PCB设计图.

The STM8S20xxx performance line 8-bit microcontrollers offer from 32 to 128 Kbytes Flash program memory. They are referred to as high-density devices in the STM8S microcontroller family reference manual.

All STM8S20xxx devices provide the following benefits: reduced system cost, performance robustness, short development cycles, and product longevity.

The system cost is reduced thanks to an integrated true data EEPROM for up to 300 k write/erase cycles and a high system integration level with internal clock oscillators, watchdog, and brown-out reset.

Device performance is ensured by 20 MIPS at 24 MHz CPU clock frequency and enhanced characteristics which include robust I/O, independent watchdogs (with a separate clock source), and a clock security system.

