Renesas公司的RL78/G14系列是低功耗高性能通用微控制器(MCU),CPU最低功耗为66 μA/MHz,待机(停止)为240 nA;高计算功能为 51.2 DMIPS (32 MHz).内置的高功能计时器采用三相互补PWM输出,支持三相马达控制.MCU具有片上振荡器,数据闪存,ADC和DAC,比较器等.内置的安全特性支持家用电器安全(IEC/UL 60730).器件具有30引脚到100引脚,高达512KB闪存,使得器件有广泛的应用如马达控制,消费类电子和工业设备.RL78/G14系列真正的低功耗平台(低到66 μA/MHz和RTC+LVD 的0.60 μA ),1.6V-5.5V工作,16-512KB闪存,32MHz时的DMIPS为44,很适合于通用应用.本文介绍了RL78/G14系列主要特性,30引脚到100引脚器件框图,以及RL78/G14系列原型板主要特性和指标,框图,运行图,以及电路图,材料清单和PCB元件布局图.
RL78/G14 microcontrollers balance the industry’s lowest level of consumption current (CPU: 66 μA/MHz, standby (STOP): 240 nA) and a high calculation performance of 51.2 DMIPS (32 MHz). The built-in high-function timer supports three-phase motor control using three-phase complementary PWM output. They have an on-chip oscillator, data flash, A/D and D/A converters, comparator, and more. Built-in safety features (function that detects illegal operation of hardware) enable support for the household appliance safety standard (IEC/UL 60730). With a broad 30 to 100-pin lineup and up to 512 KB on-chip flash memory, these microcontrollers can be used in a wide variety of applications such as motor control and consumer and industrial equipment.