
ST L9907三相BLDC马达驱动解决方案

ST公司的L9907是三相栅极驱动器,采用ST公司的先进的BCD-6s技术,能驱动用于3相BLDC马达的所有PowerMOS晶体管L9907满足汽车规范AEC-Q100,电源电压从4.2V到54V,用于工作在单(12V)系统,双(24V)系统和48V电池应用,在FET高边驱动器引脚上能经受住-7 V - 90 V,低待机电流功耗,PWM工作频率高达20kHz,栅极驱动器电流可通过SPI四步调整,调整范围通过外接电阻最大栅极控制电流为600mA.此外还有保护和诊断功能:FET驱动器具有电源欠压(UV)诊断,栅到源输出电压限制,栅到源无源开关断开;电源VB和VCC有过压(OV),欠压(UV)诊断和保护功能,所有逻辑引脚能经受35V,超温诊断和关断,主要用于3相栅极驱动器和汽车FET驱动器.本文介绍了L9907主要特性,框图,三相马达控制图以及评估板EVAL-L9907应用框图,主板电路图和逆变器板电路图表与PCB设计图.

L9907 is a smart power device realized in STMicroelectronics advanced BCD-6s technology. It is able to drive all PowerMOS transistors for 3-phase BLDC motor applications. The circuit is suitable to operate in environments with high supply voltage such as double battery. Supply related pins are capable of withstanding up to 90 V. Moreover, the device is able to control the six pre-driver channels independently. In this way it is possible to implement all kinds of electric motor control strategy.

