
Cypress PSOC 4700S电感检测解决方案

Cypress公司的PSOC 4700S是可编程片上系统(PSoC),集成了ARM® Cortex®-M0+ CPU,包括了可编程和可配置的模拟和数字区块,并具有灵活的自动走线.广泛支持编程,测试,调试,以及跟踪硬件和固件.32位MCU子系统48MHz,多达32KB闪存和多达4KB SRAM,可进行电容检测,电感检测支持16个传感器,主要用在消费类电子,汽车电子,工业领域.本文介绍了PSOC 4700S主要特性,框图,以及PSoC® 4700S电感检测评估板CY8CKIT-148主要特性,框图和电路图.

PSoC® 4 is a scalable and reconfigurable platform architecture for a family of programmable embedded system controllers with anArm® Cortex®-M0+ CPU. It combines programmable and reconfigurable analog and digital blocks with flexible automatic routing. ThePSoC 4700S product family, based on this platform, is the industry’s first microcontroller with inductive sensing and capacitive sensingtechnology in a single chip. The inductive sensing (MagSense™) technology enables sensing of metal objects and industry’s leadingcapacitive sensing (CapSense®) technology enables sensing of non-metallic objects.

PSoC 4700S devices include extensive support forprogramming, testing, debugging, and tracing both hardwareand firmware.

The Arm Serial-Wire Debug (SWD) interface supports allprogramming and debug features of the device.

