
TI TIDA-01579高效低波纹输出电源参考设计

TI公司的TIDA-01579是采用TPS6282x系列等的高效低波纹输出电源参考设计,采用 DCS-Control™拓拓,输出电流高达3A(TPS62823),26/25mΩ内部功率开关,非常低的静态电流4 μA,典型开关频率2.2MHz,可调输出电压从0.6V到4V,1%反馈电压精度,100%占空比,内部有软起动电路,主要用在手持/电池供电设备的POL电源,工厂和建筑物自动化,移动计算和网络卡,固态驱动,数据终端和POL.本文介绍了参考设计TIDA-01579主要特性和指标,框图,电路图,材料清单和PCB设计图.

The TPS6282x is an all-purpose and easy to usesynchronous step-down DC-DC converter with a verylow quiescent current of only 4μA. It supplies up to3A output current (TPS62823) from a 2.4V to 5.5Vinput voltage. Based on the DCS-Control™ topologyit provides a fast transient response.

The internal reference allows to regulate the outputvoltage down to 0.6V with a high feedback voltageaccuracy of 1% over the junction temperature rangeof -40℃ to 125℃. The 1,2,3A scalable pin-to-pin andBOM-to-BOM compatible device family can be used with small 470nH inductors.

The TPS6282x include an automatically enteredpower save mode to maintain high efficiency down tovery light loads.

The device features a Power Good signal and aninternal soft start circuit. It is able to operate in 100%mode. For fault protection, it incorporates a HICCUPcurrent limit as well as a thermal shutdown.

