TI公司的CC1352P是集成了功率放大器(+20-dBm)的多频段(<1GHz和2.4GHz)多协议无线ARM MCU,CPU工作频率48MHz,集成了灵活的非常低功耗的RF收发器,支持多个物理层和RF标准,专用的无线电控制器(Arm® Cortex®-M0)低级别RF协议指令,目标用在无线M总线,IEEE802.15.4g, IPv6使能智能对象(6LoWPAN),线程,Zigbee®, KNX RF, Wi-SUN®, Bluetooth® 5低功耗和专用系统.本文介绍了CC1352P主要特性,框图以及评估板LAUNCHXL-CC1352P1主要特性,电路图,材料清单和PCB设计图.
The CC1352P device is a multiprotocol Sub-1 and 2.4-GHz wireless MCU targeting Wireless M-Bus, IEEE802.15.4g, IPv6-enabled smart objects (6LoWPAN), Thread, Zigbee®, KNX RF, Wi-SUN®, Bluetooth® 5low energy, and proprietary systems. The device contains a +20-dBm integrated high-power amplifier withbest-in-class efficiency for long-range applications.
The CC1352P device is a member of the CC26xx and CC13xx family of cost-effective, ultra-low power,2.4-GHz and Sub-1 GHz RF devices. Very low active RF and microcontroller (MCU) current, in addition tosub-μA sleep current with up to 80KB of RAM retention, provide excellent battery lifetime and allowoperation on small coin-cell batteries and in energy-harvesting applications.