
TI AM5749Sitara ARM应用处理器开发方案

TI公司的AM5749是高性别能Sitara ARM应用处理器,具有带Neon扩展的双核ARM Cortex-A15 RISC CPU和两个TIC66x VLIW浮点DSP核,集成了多达2.5MB L3 RAM,两个DDR3/DDR3L存储器接口(EMIF)模块,支持速率到DDR3-1333,多达2GB/EMIF,支持ECC/EMIF,主要用在工业通信,人机接口(HMI),自动化和控制,高性能应用以及其它通用应用.本文介绍了AM5749主要特性,框图,DDR3接口电路以及评估模块AM574x IDK框图,电路图,材料清单和PCB设计图.

AM574x Sitara Arm applications processors are built to meet the intense processing needs of modernembedded products.

AM574x devices bring high processing performance through the maximum flexibility of a fully integratedmixed processor solution. The devices also combine programmable video processing with a highlyintegrated peripheral set. Cryptographic acceleration is available in every AM574x device.

Programmability is provided by dual-core Arm Cortex-A15 RISC CPUs with Neon™ extension, and two TIC66x VLIW floating-point DSP cores. The Arm allows developers to keep control functions separate fromother algorithms programmed on the DSPs and coprocessors, thus reducing the complexity of the systemsoftware.

