
ST VIPER11节能800V高压离线转换器解决方案


The device is a high voltage converter smartlyintegrating an 800 V avalanche-rugged powerMOSFET with PWM current mode control. Thepower MOSFET with 800 V breakdown voltageallows the extended input voltage range to beapplied,as well as the size of the DRAIN snubbercircuit to be reduced. This IC meets the moststringent energy-saving standards as it has verylow consumption and operates in pulse frequency modulation under light load. The design offlyback, buck and buck boost converters is supported. The integrated HV startup, sense-FET, error amplifier and oscillator with jitter allowa complete application to be designed with theminimum number of components.


• 800 V avalanche-rugged power MOSFETallowing ultra wide VAC input range to be covered
• Embedded HV startup and sense-FET
• Current mode PWM controller..

