
Cypress S6BP401A汽车ADAS平台电源管理方案

Cypress公司的S6BP401A是用于汽车ADAS平台的电源管理IC,包括内置开关FET的四个2.1MHz降压DC/DC转换器,两个低压降(LDO)稳压器和数字窗口看门狗计时器.开关频率高达2.4MHz,负载电流高达3A,VIN输入电压2.97 V到5.5 V,AEC-Q100规范 (Grade-1),主要用在汽车应用,高级辅助驾驶系统(ADAS),诸如安全摄像机的照相系统和工业应用.本文介绍了S6BP401A主要特性,详细框图,应用电路以及评估板S6SBP401AM2SA1001主要特性,电路图,材料清单和PCB设计图.

S6BP401A is a power management IC, consists of quad buck 2.1 MHz DC/DC converter with built-in switching FETs, dual Low Drop-out regulator (LDOs) and a digital windowed watchdog timer. Having the switching FETs built-in, S6BP401A realizes high power conversion efficiency and high switching frequency up to 2.4 MHz. The internal FETs are capable to handle up to 3 A load. As S6BP401A employs the current mode architecture, it has fast load transient response. Built-in output voltage setting resistors and compensation circuits reduce BOM cost and component area.


 Quad Buck DC/DC Converter (DD1 to DD4)
 VIN Input Range: 4.5 V to 5.5 V
 Switching Frequency
 External clock mode: 1.8 MHz to 2.4 MHz
 Internal clock mode: 2.0 MHz to 2.2 MHz
 Built-in Switching FETs up to 3 A..

