Maxim公司的MAX14748是USB Type-C充电器,集成了充电检测器,升压/降压转换器和带智能功率选择器的锂电池充电器,支持USB Type-C 1.1标准的UFP/DRP功能,JEITA 充电保护,±15kV ESD保护,主要用在数字图像(DSC,DVC),无线扬声器和手持条码扫描器.本文介绍了MAX14748主要优势和特性,框图,系统框图以及评估板MAX14748 EVK主要特性.电路图,材料清单和PCB设计图.
The MAX14748 USB battery charger integrates a charger detector, boost/buck converter, and Li+ battery charger with smart power selector to provide fast and safe charging of 2s Li+ battery packs.
The MAX14748 provides support for devices functioning as a UFP/DRP per the USB Type-C 1.1 standard, while also providing detection of legacy USB Battery Charging Specification, Revision 1.2 (BC1.2) compliant chargers in addition to other nonstandard chargers. The programmable Automatic Input Current Limiting (AICL) feature ensures that maximum safe current is drawn from the charging adapter.