IDT公司的P9025AC是集成了整流器和LDO的5W Qi兼容无线接收器,具有先进的外部物体检测(FOD)特性.接收器包括高效率同步全桥整流器和5.3V/1A LDO输出级,能自动检测发送器的存在与否,以及初始化WPC AC调制通信协议.主要用在PC外设,电子齿轮,智能家电和以电池为能源的设备.本文介绍了P9025AC主要特性,框图和应用电路,以及评估板P9025AC-R-EVK无线电源5W接收器参考设计主要特性,电路图,材料清单和PCB元件布局图和设计图.
The P9025AC is an integrated single-chip, WPC-1.1.2compliant wireless power receiver with an advanced ForeignObject Detection (FOD) feature. This device operates with anAC power signal from a resonant tank and converts it into aregulated 5.3V output voltage. The receiver includes a highefficiency Synchronous Full Bridge Rectifier and 5.3V trackingLDO output stage. The P9025AC automatically detects thetransmitter’s presence and initiates WPC AC modulationcommunication protocols with optimal efficiency.
The device includes the control circuit required to modulatethe load to transmit WPC-compliant message packets to thebase station. It uses minimal external components to reduceoverall solution area and costs.
The P9025AC employs advanced programmable WPC FODtechniques to detect foreign metallic objects placed on thetransmitter base station derived from a transmitted andreceived power transfer algorithm.