The ADP5350, a power management IC (PMIC), combines onehigh performance buck regulator for single Li-Ion/Li-Ionpolymer battery charging, a fuel gauge, a highly programmableboost regulator for LED backlight illumination, and three 150 mALDO regulators.
The ADP5350 operates in trickle charge mode and in constantcurrent (CC) and constant voltage (CV) fast charge mode. Itfeatures an internal field effect transistor (FET) that permitsbattery isolation on the system power side.
The ADP5350 fuel gauge is a space-saving and low currentconsuming solution. It is optimal for rechargeable Li-Ion batterypowereddevices, and features a voltage-based, battery SOCmeasurement function.
The ADP5350 boost regulator operates at a 1.5 MHz switchingfrequency. It can be operated as a constant voltage regulator oras a supplemental constant current regulator for multiple LEDbacklight drivers.