
TI CC2564C双模式蓝牙控制方案

TI公司的CC2564C是完整的蓝牙BR,EDR和低功耗HCI解决方案,基于TI的第七代蓝牙核,提供和Bluetooth 4.2兼容的经过产品验证的解决方案.和MCU一起,HCI器件能提供最好的RF性能和其它低功耗蓝牙解决方案大约两倍的距离,单端50-Ω RF接口.主要用在无线音频解决方案,mPOS,医疗设备,机顶盒(STB),可穿戴设备,传感器集线器和网关,家庭和工厂自动化.本文介绍了CC2564C主要特性,功能框图,参考电路图及其材料清单,开发平台CC256xCQFN-EM主要特性,电路图,材料清单和PCB设计图以及STM3240G-EVAL, CC256X-STADAPT和CC256xCQFN-EM组合连接图.

The TI CC2564C device is a complete Bluetooth® BR, EDR, and low energy HCI solution that reducesdesign effort and enables fast time to market. Based on TI’s seventh-generation Bluetooth core, theCC2564C device provides a product-proven solution that is Bluetooth 4.2 compliant. When coupled with amicrocontroller unit (MCU), this HCI device offers best-in-class RF performance with about twice the rangeof other Bluetooth low-energy solutions. Furthermore, TI’s power-management hardware and softwarealgorithms provide significant power savings in all commonly used Bluetooth BR, EDR, and low energymodes of operation.


• TI’s Single-Chip Bluetooth® Solution WithBluetooth Basic Rate (BR), Enhanced Data Rate(EDR), and Low Energy (LE) Support..

