
ST ST25DV动态NFC RFID标签双接口解决方案

ST公司的ST25DVxxx是动态NFC/RFID标签集成电路,提供4KB,16KB和64KB电可擦除可编存储器(EEPROM),提供I2C串口(支持1MHz,单电源1.8V-5.5V)和RF无接触接口(基于ISO/IEC 15693和NFC Forum Type 5 tag,支持所有的ISO/IEC 15693调制,编码,副载波模式和数据速率).主要用于工业应用如智能表,IoT设备,专业或消费类电子产品.本文介绍了ST25DVxxx主要特性,框图和两种工作模式,以及演示板ST25DV-DISCOVERY包括主板MB1283和子板MB1284主要特性和电路图.

The ST25DVxxx device is a NFC RFID Tag offering 4 Kbit, 16 Kbit, and 64 Kbit of electrically erasable programmable memory (EEPROM). ST25DVxxx offers two interfaces. The first one is an I2C serial link and can be operated from a DC power supply. The second one is a RF link activated when ST25DVxxx acts as a contactless memory powered by the received carrier electromagnetic wave.

In I2C mode, the ST25DVxxx user memory contains up to 8192 bytes, which could be split in 4 flexible and protectable areas.

In RF mode, following ISO/IEC 15693 or NFC forum type 5 recommendations, ST25DVxxx user memory contains up to 2048 blocks of 4 bytes which could be split in 4 flexible and protectable areas.

ST25DVxxx offers a fast transfer mode between the RF and contact worlds, thanks to a 256 bytes volatile buffer (also called Mailbox).


