
Linear LT8315高压微功耗无光耦隔离反激转换器解决方案

Linear公司的LT8315是集成了630V/300mA开关的高压反激转换器,不需要光隔离器,输入电压18V-560V,准谐振边界模式工作,恒流和恒压稳压,低静态电流70μA,可编程限流和软起动,主要用在隔离的通信,汽车和工业与医疗设备, 隔离的离线家用电源,以及电动汽车和电池组.本文介绍了LT8315主要特性,框图,几种应用电路,以及演示板DC2337A主要特性,电路图,材料清单和PCB设计图.

The LTR8315 is a high voltage flyback converter with integrated 630V/300mA switch. No opto-isolator is needed for regulation. The device samples the output voltage from the
isolated flyback waveform appearing across a third winding on the transformer. Quasi-resonant boundary mode operation improves load regulation, reduces transformer
size, and maintains high efficiency.

At start-up, the LT8315 charges its INTVCC capacitor via a current source attached to the DRAIN pin. During normal operation, the current source turns off and the device draws its power from a third winding on the transformer.

The LT8315 operates from a wide range of input supply voltages and can deliver up to 15W of power. It is available in a thermally enhanced 20-pin TSSOP package with four pins removed for high-voltage spacing.


nn Wide Input Voltage Range: 18V to 560V..

