Cypress公司的CY29430是可编PLL晶体振荡器解决方案,输出频率可在15MHz和2.1GHz间灵活选择,工作电压1.8V-3.3V,工作温度–40 °C到105 °C,主要用在通信领域如OTN, SONET/SDH, xDSL, GbE,网络,无线基础设备以及测试测量,高速数据转换.本文介绍了CY29430主要特性, 逻辑框图以及评估板CY3677主要特性,框图,电路图与材料清单.
The CY29430 is a Programmable PLL based crystal oscillator solution with flexible output frequency options. It is field and factory programmable for any output frequency between 15 MHz and 2.1 GHz. Four frequencies are independently programmable on the differential output with the frequency select (FS) pins.