
ADI AD8233心电图(ECG)信号调理模块解决方案

ADI公司的AD8233是适用于心电图(ECG)和其他生物电势测量应用的集成信号调理模块,低静态电源电流为50 μA(典型值),直流至60 Hz的共模抑制比为80 dB,具有可调增益的三极可调低通滤波器,关断功能的集成右腿驱动 (RLD)放大器,高信号增益(G = 100)以及隔直流功能,工作电压1.7V-3.5V,主要用在健身和活动是心脏速率监视器,手持心电图(ECG),穿戴和遥控健康监测器,游戏机外设和生物信号采集如EMG等.本文介绍了AD8233主要特性,功能框图,简化电路图和应用电路,以及评估板AD8233CB-EBZ主要特性,框图,电路图,材料清单和PCB设计图.

The AD8233 is an integrated signal conditioning block for ECGand other biopotential measurement applications. It is designedto extract, amplify, and filter small biopotential signals in thepresence of noisy conditions, such as those created by motion orremote electrode placement. This design allows an ultralowpower analog-to-digital converter (ADC) or an embeddedmicrocontroller to easily acquire the output signal.

The AD8233 implements a two-pole high-pass filter foreliminating motion artifacts and the electrode half cell potential.

This filter is tightly coupled with the instrumentation architectureof the amplifier to allow both large gain and high-passfiltering in a single stage, thereby saving space and cost.An uncommitted operational amplifier enables the AD8233 tocreate a three-pole, low-pass filter to remove additional noise.

