
Microsemi LX9610 22V 12A降压电源模块解决方案

Microsemi公司的LX9610是22V 12A降压电源模块,集成的电压模式同步控制器包括补偿网络,内部功率MOSFET和输出电感,输入电压8V-22V,用单个外接电阻,输出电压从0.8V到5V可调,主要用在机顶盒,服务器,工业设备,通信和数据通信设备,点负载稳压应用.本文介绍了LX9610主要特性,框图以及LX9610评估板电路图,材料清单和PCB设计图.

The LX9610 is a 22V, 12A Power Module designed for step down point of load applications. This device includes a voltage mode synchronous controller including the compensation network, internal power MOSFETs and the output inductor all in a 15mm x 15mm QFN package. It can operate with an input voltage from 8V to 22V. The output voltage is adjustable from 0.8V to 5V using a single external resistor. It has an internal 5V regulator.The only other components needed to make a complete 12A DC to DC converter are a 4.7uF decoupling capacitor for the 5V regulator, and the bulk input and output capacitors.

Other features of this device are internal digital soft start, thermal shutdown and hiccup mode current limit. The unit can be enabled or shut down through the COMP/EN pin. Over current sensing is accomplished by measuring the voltage across the Rds-on of the low-side MOSFET.

