Cypress公司的MB39C831是高效同步整流升压DC/DC转换器,能从太阳能或热能发生器(TEG)把能量转换成锂电池,起动电压从0.35V,静态电流32uA,输入电压0.3 V-4.75 V,输出电压3.0, 3.3, 3.6, 4.1, 4.5, 5.0V.主要用在太阳能收获,热能收获,手持音频播放器,手机,电子书,电子字典,无线遥控器和传感器节点.本文介绍了MB39C831主要特性,框图和应用电路,以及评估板MB39C831-EVB-02框图,主要指标,电路图,材料清单和PCB元件布局图.
The MB39C831 is the high-efficiency synchronous rectification boost DC/DC converter IC which efficiently supplies energy getting from the solar cell with the single cell or multiple cells, or from the thermoelectric generator (TEG) to the Li-ion battery. It is possible to start-up from 0.35 V and it contains the function to control the DC/DC converter output following the maximum power point of the solar cell (MPPT: Maximum Power Point Tracking) and the protection function to charge the Li-ion battery safely.
Power Converter Type: Boost
Temperature Range: -40˚C-+85˚C
Quiescent Current: 32 µA
Input Voltage Range: 0.3 V-4.75 V
Output Voltage (V): 3.0, 3.3, 3.6, 4.1, 4.5, 5.0
Package: 40-pin QFN
Solar energy harvesting
Thermal energy harvesting..